Apply for the 2015 See For Yourself Mission
With the majority of South Dakota soybeans going to the export market, the thought of our beans leaving the U.S. has passed through our minds numerous times, but nothing compares to the true magnitude of experiencing the process for yourself in person. This January, you have the chance to be part of a group of South Dakota soybean farmers who will experience the journey soybeans make from the farm to international customers. This See For Yourself program takes place January 26-29, 2015, in Atlanta and New Orleans. These two locations will give farmers insight into soybean exports and the demands of international customers.
Any South Dakota soybean farmer interested in participating in this See For Yourself program to Atlanta and New Orleans can apply by December 8, 2014, at www.sdsoybean.org. Fifteen farmers will be selected to participate in the See For Yourself program. All travel and meal expenses will be covered.

The 2014 See For Yourself participants toured the Port of Grays Harbor. In 2015, participants will have the chance to visit the Port of New Orleans.
If you have questions or would like additional information about the trip, contact Kelly Nelson, knelson@sdsoybean.org or 605-330-9942.
For more information and to apply, click here.