John Horter
John Horter

John Horter is a fifth-generation farmer from Andover SD. He and his wife, Jaclyn, operate J and J Horter Farm Partnership. They farm with his parents who are slowly transitioning into retirement and turning the operation over. They have two children. Dane is 12 and Raegan is 8. They both attend Langford Area School. They also own and operate Horter’s Farm and Ranch Supply, LLC in Bristol. On their farm, they raise soybeans, corn, wheat, and alfalfa as well as own a beef cow herd, raise replacement heifers, and finish cattle. In addition to their operation, they custom plant and harvest for numerous friends and neighbors in the area.
John graduated from Bristol High School in 1999 and then pursued a degree in Ag-Production from Lake Area Tech. He has served as an officer and director on the James Valley Threshing Association and is on the board at Bethesda Lutheran Church. He served on the South Dakota Soybean Association for 12 of the last 15 years. He has served on many committees and held multiple officer positions as a director. John participated in programs such as the DuPont/ASA Young Leader program, Leadership at its Best, Progressive Farmer’s “America's best young farmers and ranchers”, and multiple other leadership conferences and media training courses.
In his spare time, he enjoys watching their children participate in their activities, riding around in UTVs as a family, and occasionally doing some hunting and fishing.